Friday, November 9, 2007

Final call for your votes!

Hey everybody!! Today, Saturday Nov 10th is the final vote for the Cre8ive Idol! I am now in the top 2!! I've come this far with the help of my friends... that's you! Don't let me down now! LOL! I'd love to take the title!! here's what the prize is!!

*3 Month Design Team Term at The kits there ROCK!
*A Fabulous prize package from the team at Scrapbook and Cards Today magazine!

So, can you help me? Saturday from 10am-10pm EST is the voting! If you are having trouble logging in or voting, feel free to shoot me an email! Also, please note that you do NOT have to wait for confirmation of your account before you log in to vote!

The challenge was this... "Our lives can be measured by moments and what better way to pass on your life stories than by a layout that depicts a series of important moments in our lives?

For Challenge #6, Cre8 a 2 page layout that depicts your life stories in a timeline. Include important events that you would like to share with your children and future generations. Design your page around the timeline. There are no restrictions as to products or photos. "

To Register:

To vote, log in here and go to the (Cre8ive Idol Round 6) Then click on the word VOTE under my LO!

Thank you in advance. Thanks so much for your support and for taking the time! It is greatly appreciated!
Have a fabulous Saturday... and I'll be sure to let you know how I make out!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Calling for your votes once again!!

Hello friends!
It is voting time once again! Voting will take place today, Saturday Oct 20th until 11:59EST.
The competition is getting feirce,... with only 8 of us left! So i need your help!
If you've already registered, here's the link...
I'm tinamcd and my LO is "Summertime Friends".
If you've not registered, here is where you can do that...
PS: If you have registered and not gotten confirmation, you can probably still log in... just give it a try!
Thank you all so much for taking this short minute out of your day to vote... FOR ME! :)
Have a great Saturday!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's 2:35am...

And here I sit at the computer! Ugh! It's a long story... so here goes!
I took DD to gymnatics in Hampton tonight for 6pm. While she was there I went to Tim Hortons and got myself an icecap.... Mental note... Don't have icecaps that late in the day! YOU WILL NOT SLEEP!!!! So, anywho.... I get home and I'm raring to go! Cleaning, laundry, computer... go go go!!! So by 11:20 I head to bed... next thing I know I'm planning layouts, thinking up titles, journaling, planning what i'm going to do tomorrow, thinking about the Epicure party I'm having here... and then it's 1am!! UGH! So I finally fall asleep... then i'm woken up 15 minutes later by a crying and caughing 8 month old! And now with the big scare on about the caugh medicine, there is nothing i can give him! So I nurse him... he falls asleep and i put him back to bed... he cries and begins caughing all over again. I carry him around and rock him... Lay him down and he cries again. So, needless to say, here it is quarter to three and I'm still hp! With a wide awake but happy baby! AGH!!!!! And funny thing, I'm still not tired! This is SO going to kill my plans for cleaning tomorrow!! I made plans to skip out on play group so I could get caught up on some housework... well, looks like I'll be trying all morning to stay awake, just so I can take a nap once the kids crash after lunch!
And now the lookin cat is going haywire!! Sheesh... what a night, or should I say what a morning!?!?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Need your votes again!

Good morning! It's Saturday, and that means that the voting is open again at Just Cre8!! If you have already registered, here is the link to go and vote! :) For me that is! :) (tinamcd)title is (self portrait)
If you've not registered, you can do so here...
Thank you all So much!! Have a happy Saturday!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I need your help!!

Hi there! I am in a scrapbooking contest at I need your votes!! The voting takes place today, oct 6 until 11:59PM EST and I'd LOVE to have you vote for me!! Here's how you can do it...
Go to the forum NOW and register. Your registration will have to be accepted, which may take some time.
Then, head over here and vote for me!!
Just so you know... I'm "tinamcd" and my LO is titled (Oh So Serious).

Thank you SO much!! Please let me know if you can do this for me! :) You are under No obligation to do so, and are not signing up to do anything by registering for the board.
Thanks in advance!
This is a 6 week contest and I'd love to make it to the end! I'll need YOU'RE help to make it! So thanks... and go register now! :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Last night ROCKED!!!

Oh my word! I SO thoroughly enjoyed the Brad paisley concert last night! By Hubby is the best!!!
I picked him up from work a bit later than planned... 4:45 instead of 4... got tied up with the babysitter... aka my MIL! Anyway, from there we went right to Harbour Station where the concert was being held. i couldn't believe how many cars were there already... we were over 2 hrs early! Anyway, we got great parking! Then we went thru the pedways and got supper. We ate at Grannons... a nice seafood place! It was deliscious! They had the best grilled veggies I've ever had! I also got a Seafood Crepe! YUMMY! DH got Millionaires fish and chips... fish and scallops. We shared a slice of cheesecake for desert! We were both very pleased with our meal and will probably go back again! Not too soon though... it WAS a bit costly!
So, from there we went to the concert!
First up was Taylor Swift. She is beautiful! Had good stage presence, but really didn't sing that well... I was slightly disappointed!

Next was the highlight of the night for me... Rodney Atkins. WHAT A HOTTIE!!! WOWZERS! I was SO not expecting him to be so young! For some reason I was thinking he was a middle aged man... nope! He's probably early 30's! And He sure can sing! I was impressed with his stage presence, his looks for sure and his voice was amazing!

Then came the star of the show.... Mr Paisley himself! He was awesome! He put on quite a show! People said he was a real hottie... but not in my books. Not bad looking for sure, but nothing for me to get excited about! But he SURE CAN SING!!!

We skipped out as he was called back to do the encore... we missed getting caught in traffic! YAY! It was an hr drive home, and we arrived just before midnight! Kids were sleeping soundly... It was good to be home!

But BOY is it nice to have a night out with Hubby where i'm not mom... I'm just me! I loved it!!!! But I'm glad to be home again!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Brad Paisley

Tonight's the night!!! Dh got me tickets to go see Brad Paisley in Saint John, and tonight's the night!!! i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pumped!!! Who'd have ever thought I'd listen to country music, let along get tickets to a show! But... here I am! All psyched up to go and listen to country music tonight!!!!! Hoping for some pics! I'll post tomorrow if I get some!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Just a pic!

I have to load a pic of me on here... just ignore me! LOL!
It's been too long since I've updated on here! I hope to get back at it soon! I start homeschooling Jaz tomorrow, so things will be busy for a bit! But hopefully it will get better soon!
Till then....

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My boy's growing up!

Today is Sammy's birthday! He turns 2 today! Where has the time gone? I can't believe he's such a big boy now! And that I have another baby too! it makes Sam seem all that more grown up... ready or not!
i want to take some time to relect on his 2ness... but today I just don't have the time... we're going camping with friends from PEI this weekend, so I have lots to do! But I will... when, i'm not sure! :)
Happy Birthday to you Sammy Jade! **xoxo** Mommy Loves you!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Flu or Food Poisoning?

My poor hubby has been as sick as a dog this week!!! He has gotten food poisening or the flu and I have no idea how to tell the difference! All I know is that he has been MISERABLE!! He's never been this sick since I've known him! I feel so bad for the poor guy! What a way to start his summer vacation! He has to go for summer School starting July 3rd... i hope he has a chance to get some stuff done before then! Otherwise, he'll be pretty disappointed! Hope ya feel better Babe!! x0x0

Monday, June 11, 2007

Birthday Weekend!

Well... it happened! I'm officially "over thirty"! LOL! 31 hit on Saturday, June 9th! I didn't mind it at all!! What's another year, eh?
We celebrated on Saturday and Sunday! Aren't I special? On Saturday, Dorothy (My mother-in-law)invited us up for supper. She asked Jasmine to come over early... she wanted her to help decorate and stuff like that. Jaz just gets so excited about things like that! So we spend the evening there... had a wonderful supper and cherry cheesecake for dessert! Mmmmmmm!!
When we got home Justin and I sat out on the back poarch on the swing after the kids were asleep. It was there that we played a little game of 20 questions in order for me to find out what my birthday present was! After MANY questions... and quite some time... I guessed! TICKETS TO SEE BRAD PAISLEY IN CONCERT in Sept!!! I had been WANTING these SO bad but didn't think I should get them... Well... good job I didn't, cause he got them for me!! 5th row from the front!! WOHOOOOOOO!!! This is a HUGE deal for me... I hardly ever get to go to concerts! Espescially with him! What a guy!!

On Sunday after church, we spent the day together as a family... which is just what I wanted! We went to Sussex and got KFC for lunch. We went to the park and ate our picnic there and then played with the kids on the playground! Jasmine met a friend before she ever set foot on the "rides"! LOL! What a social bug! They kids had a blast and it was really hard to get them to leave! Promises of icecream did it though! So, we went to get groceries, then headed for home, stopping in Hatfield point for icecream on the way.

It really was a wonderful weekend! Tired is what i am now... but with many pictures and special memories of my 31st birthday!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Dance Recital

I'm So proud of my girl!! Jasmine had her first Dance Recital on Friday night!! In all honesty.... no joking... she was by far the best little dancer there... for her age! That girl has rythem!! Through the show, I kept thinking... "I wish I'd had the chance to take dance when I was younger!!"... I still totally enjoy watching it! Espescially when it's my girl dancing!
We only stayed for the first 1/2 of the show... we then took the kids to McDonalds for a late supper and to play in the playroom! It was almost midnight before we got home! What a tired bunch!!
Mom came over for the weekend with BEcky,Sam and Selah! We had a wonderful relaxing weekend! Beautiful weather... everyone got burnt!! Gotta love the sun!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Red on Fridays

The following Article was in the local newspaper this past weekend. I met this lady... scrapbooked with her several times. She is a Christian and her testimony thru this has been amazing! She lost her son in Afganastan last month... what a strong, amazing testimony! Remember this... for Friday's!

Why didn't I cry?

Laurie Greenslade
Published Saturday May 12th, 2007
Appeared on page A10
I am the mother of a fallen soldier, who was a friend to many and a hero. Before my son, David Greenslade, boarded the plane to go on his first tour of duty to Afghanistan, I had made a promise to him. On the day of deployment, I swore I would not cry, as he wanted to be strong and positive, the way he had lived his life.

I felt on that day that if I showed tears that he would think I thought he wasn't coming home. It was this promise and my faith that carried me through everything that was to come.

Some people may question my lack of tears during the many interviews I did. My only child had just been taken from me and yet, when the media wanted to talk to us about David, I said yes to every interview.

This was the last opportunity for people to get to know him, his life, dreams, and courage, and to voice how proud we were of him and his sacrifice. I needed to ask for support for his friends, fellow soldiers still in Afghanistan carrying on the mission.

I was strong for David and the rest of the troops. My strength was from the Lord. The power of prayers from friends and our church family kept me from falling apart.

At his funeral service, I still did not cry. This was truly a celebration of David's life, a life that mattered, from uplifting music to heartfelt eulogies from his closest friends. The Easter hymn - the hope we have in a life beyond this short time. This service was opening hearts and minds for Jesus.

This was an opportunity to prove my faith to others, even in the midst of the worst possible event, the loss of a child - my heart.

David's dream was to help children in Afghanistan. He wanted them to enjoy the freedom that he experienced as a child. To be free from land mines, to be able to attend school, not fear for their lives. He wanted each of them to have a childhood. He wanted to make a difference, and I believe he did and his fellow soldiers are carrying on that dream.

Eight-year-old Marshall Howard of Fairvale Elementary School knows firsthand the life of a soldier, as he has family members that have served overseas. A close friend of this family, Pte. Pat LeBlanc, was deployed to Afghanistan in January with our son David. Marshall began wearing red on Friday to show his support for the troops. A simple red t-shirt prompted other kids to ask why. Marshall told them the significance of what he was doing and suggested that they could do the same by the small gesture of wearing something red each Friday. They did.

Since David's death, Marshall and the rest of Fairvale Elementary School have taken a keen interest in the development of the Afghani children, as that was David's dream. I became aware of this when Marshall came to our house with a "Book of Condolences."

I've heard Dave referred to as a "true hometown hero." All the troops serving in Afghanistan are heroes. They sacrifice their comfort, health, (both physical and mental) their dreams, families and futures. They desire to make a positive difference to the Afghani people.

The colour red symbolizes the colour of blood shed by people just like my son and others who paid the ultimate price for Canadians and the Afghani people to live in freedom. Wearing red doesn't necessarily mean you support the political reason why the troops are over there. It means you're supporting them, true heroes who desire to make a difference, a better life for the next generation. It would be as simple as wearing a red t-shirt like Marshall, or a red ribbon pinned to your shirt.

The support that we received from the soldiers, the community and the country has been so positive and uplifting to our spirits. We've had many people ask if there is anything they could do to help us and we respond by saying one thing: wear red on Fridays, every Friday.

Friday, May 11, 2007

3-1= more work!!

Jaz spend last night at her grandparents, so I'm home with just the 2 boys today! Think I can get more done? Not a chance! Sammy likes to stick to me like glue whenever Jazzy isn't around! As I'm typing, he keeps hitting the ESC key! Ugh!!! What a boy!!
I was daring yesterday... or perhaps stupid! I took all 3 kids grocery shopping! WHAT A CHORE!! 2 kids in cart, Jazzy walking along side... It was fine when none of them were sooking, crying or wanting something!! LOL! Oh well... we made it home safe and sound... and with some of my sanity still in tact!! I'll wait a while before doing it again though!

Mothers day is coming up this weekend... Great time to reflect on motherhood!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Summer is here!

At last!! Finally! Wohooooo... the nice weather is here! It was 26 degrees out today, 20 yesterday and supposed to be abother great day tomorrow! i'm So glad! It's great to get the kids outside and playing! They make less mess that way... sort of... And it's so good for them to be outdoors! I have so much to do in here that i don't always get out with them as much as I'd like! Today after their naps we went out and washed the car! That was a fun experience!! Sammy decided that he'd dip his cloth in the puddles instead of the bucket! NOT a good idea! I think I caught him before he scratched the car all to pieces! :)

I think this summer I'm going to say forget about housework a lot! I need to be outside with the kids! It's good for me too! If we move into the cottage for the summer so the renovations can get done, than I will have a lot more time out with the kids!... or so I hope!!

Anyways... here's to summer!!! Bring it on!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Thoughts by Tina

Well... I guess it's about time to start a blog about my life... I have a scrapbooking one... but that's of no interest to many... so here is a new one for pictures and every day chat! Here are some thoughts by Tina!!

*Joined facebook... TOTALLY addicting! So cool to touch base with so many old friends! Not enough hrs in the day to keep up!!

*Justin is taking night classes for his teashing course... he's late getting home tonight... I miss him when he's late like this!

*What a beautiful day! Supposed to be even nicer tomorrow! WOW! Hard to imagine but it's supposed t go up to 28!!! NICE!! Come on summer!!